In this post I’m gonna create an circle avatar image custom view which is a subclass of circle image view, so before start reading this, make sure you’ve read and understand the post about [Creating Custom Circle Image View]({% post_url 2018-06-06-circle_image_view %}).
This is how circle avatar image view looks like.
It can show either an image or initial character.
The project is available here on Github
Reuse CircleImageView
Extend the CircleImageView
class to reuse the functionality. Define two static final integer to represent two state for either showing an initial or an image.
public class AvatarImageView extends CircleImageView {
public static final int SHOW_INITIAL = 1;
public static final int SHOW_IMAGE = 2;
Define XML Attributes
This attributes is used to customize the view in xml layout.
<declare-styleable name="AvatarImageView">
<attr name="avatarBackgroundColor" format="color"/>
<attr name="textSize" format="dimension"/>
<attr name="textColor" format="color"/>
<attr name="text" format="string"/>
<attr name="state" format="enum">
<enum name="INITIAL" value="1"/>
<enum name="IMAGE" value="2"/>
Define member variables
public class AvatarImageView extends CircleImageView {
// ...
private Paint mTextPaint; // used to draw a text/initial character
private Rect mTextBounds; // rectangle bounds of initial character
private Paint mBackgroundPaint; // used to draw filled circle for text/initial background
private RectF mBackgroundBounds; // bounds of the circle
private String mInitial; // holding a character to be drawn
private String mText; // holding whole text (in case we need it)
private int mShowState; // the current state of avatar view
// ...
Important methods
These are explanations of some methods that I consider more important.
Updating background circle bounds
When the view size changed the mBackgroundBounds
needs to be updated to make size and position of bounds correct by calling the super class method updateCircleDrawBounds()
public class AvatarImageView extends CircleImageView {
// ...
protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {
super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh);
// ...
Updating text bounds
Bounds or dimension of a character is needed to calculate the correct position for the character to be rendered in the center. This method would be called when the text changed, for example inside the setter method for text or text size and in constructor for initialization.
public class AvatarImageView extends CircleImageView {
// ...
private void updateTextBounds() {
mTextPaint.getTextBounds(mInitial, 0, mInitial.length(), mTextBounds);
// ...
If the state is SHOW_IMAGE
then render straightly using parent onDraw()
then render the text and background.
public class AvatarImageView extends CircleImageView {
// ...
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
if (mShowState == SHOW_INITIAL) {
// this is centered y coordinate for text
float textBottom = mBackgroundBounds.centerY() - mTextBounds.exactCenterY();
canvas.drawOval(mBackgroundBounds, mBackgroundPaint);
canvas.drawText(mInitial, mBackgroundBounds.centerX(), textBottom, mTextPaint);
} else {
// ...